How to Select the Right Colors for Your Dropshipping Website

It can make more difference thank you think

David Linder
Product Mafia


Picking the colors for your dropshipping website is not something you impulsively decide on. Colors can influence how consumers make a decision and this will have a big impact on your business. Merely changing one color to another to see what would convert more will cost you time, energy, and money. Conversion is more complicated than that. So does the use of color psychology in the design of your dropshipping website.

Most customers appreciate visuals when they visit a store. It will only take them less than two minutes to judge your store and your products. As customers can only look at products when shopping online, they would make a decision only on what they see — and color takes 90 percent of this judgment.

Research showed that color evokes an emotional response, conveys the brand’s message, and influences the consumer’s perception. Therefore choosing the right colors for your dropshipping website is something you have to be careful about if you want to convince people to buy from you.

Here are the factors that can help you determine the right colors for your dropshipping website.

Select colors not just for your store but for your brand as a whole.

Your dropshipping store is a part of your business and not a separate one. Choosing the right colors for your dropshipping website is a branding choice. Therefore whatever color schemes you choose, use them across all your business assets such as your business cards, social media pages, etcetera to maintain consistency. Before you pick out colors, make sure that you are very clear about your brand. Once you have a deep understanding of your brand, it will be easier to convey it in visual terms for the world to see.

Use color psychology to get the right response.

Colors invoke emotions. People make decisions based on what they feel, and this also applies when they buy things online. Every color in the color wheel is associated with certain characteristics, the reason why marketers are trying to learn how to use color psychology effectively. When picking your color schemes, consider the following color associations:

Yellow: Warm, bright, happy, sunny, joy, perky, intellect, energetic, unstable, irresponsible

Green: Earth, freshness, healing, environment, fertility, new, money, guilt, jealousy, envy

Turquoise: Sophisticated, spiritual, protection, healing, femininity, envy

Blue: Intelligence, tranquility, trust, security, loyalty, integrity, peace, masculinity, fear, coldness

Orange: Success, courage, friendliness, confidence, superficial, pessimist

Red: Desire, love, heat, passion, energy, strength, power, anger, sexual

Pink: Playful, healthy, compassion, happy, sweet, feminine, girlish, silly, immature

Purple: Wealth, royalty, ambition, spirituality, luxury, impractical, immature

Silver: Sleek, glamorous, graceful, high tech, non-committal, dull, indecisive

Gold: Traditional, wealth, valuable, prosperity, wisdom, self-righteous, egotistical

Tan: Conservative, dependable, crisp, flexible, boring, dull

Brown: Conservative, friendly, longevity, outdoors, earth, dogmatic

Black: Formality, protection, classy, elegance, dramatic, mystery, evil, death

Gray: Solid, security, intelligence, reliability, conservative, sad, gloomy

White: Clean, goodness, easy, innocence, fresh, pure, emptiness, pristine, isolation

Consider your target demographics.

Color is an important aspect of your brand personality. Analyze your product and the people you are selling to. The colors should represent the products you are selling. This is why you have to assess if the dropshipping products you choose fit your branding. You should also take into account the location of your target audience as the color you might choose will have a negative connotation in other countries.

Take into account the user experience.

Readability is one aspect of user experience that is most affected by colors. To avoid putting off your visitors, pick colors that complement or contrast appealingly with each other.

Use a visually-appealing color pattern.

St Tropez

Factors like age, gender, culture, and industry should be considered when picking colors for your dropshipping website. However, you should also take into account your other customer base as you don’t want to cut them off by being insensitive to their social conditioning. Select a color pattern based on how they complement or contrast each other.

Here’s how to do it.

First, choose a color base. It should be the color that represents the emotion that you want to invoke in your customers.

Next, use the color wheel to see the opposite color of your base. This is the color that contrasts well with your dominant color. Use the color wheel when you select the secondary color as you are banking on the proven principles of color theory.

Finally, choose an accent color to use for your calls to action. Reserve only your pop color to prompt visitors to take a specific action like click on a link, buy a product, or sign up to your newsletter.

Final Thoughts

Color psychology is not an exact science as there are too many factors to consider. It is not a one-size-fits-all situation either. Taking the theories out there is something you consider but, don’t let them restrict you. Test them out to find out what works best for you. Assess the results and modify if needed. You’ll surely find the right colors for your dropshipping website once you have taken into account all the elements discussed in this article.



David Linder
Product Mafia

Founder of winning dropshipping products uploaded daily.